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VIDEO – 10 Spanish LGBTQIA+ rappers to listen to

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To celebrate Pride Month in music, check out 10 Spanish LGBTQIA+ rappers selected from the 139 Spanish artists and the 455 LGBTQIA+ artists listed on Madame Rap !

Spain is the third most LGBT-friendly country in the world and the fourth most LGBT-friendly country in Europe (LGBT Equality Index 2023/ILGA Europe 2024).

In 2005, Spain became the third country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage (and adoption), after the Netherlands and Belgium.

In 2021, the country authorized access to treatment for everyone.

In 2023, Spanish deputies passed a law allowing people over 16 to change their legally registered gender on official documents without medical supervision and banned conversion therapies.

According to Eurobarometer 2023, 87% of Spanish citizens believe that LGBTQIA+ people should have the same rights and freedoms as heterosexual people.

Last but not least, Spain’s pride marches have no equivalent in any other European country. In 2017, the Madrid Pride (MADO) welcomed 3 500 000 visitors, the third largest attendance in the world after New York and São Paulo.



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